JTK Power Finmec Estonia AS sai toetust Digitaliseerimise Teekaardi toetusmeetmest
JTK Power Finmec Estonia AS digipöörde projekti, mille eesmärgiks on kaasajastada ettevõtte põhiprotsessid.

JTK Power Estonia – more than 25 years of experience in heavy-duty welding and machining
JTK Power Finmec Estonia AS, formerly known as Finmec, became part of JTK Power Group in 2018. Founded in Estonia in 1994 on the same year the country became independent, the company has been providing heavy duty welding and machining...

Business Finland grants funding for R&D project for silencers – opportunity for international growth
JTK Power is set to start an R&D project for new silencer technology. The project’s cost estimate is more than a million euros, and Business Finland has awarded a significant amount of funding for it. A-Insinöörit Suunnittelu Oy, an en...